
CBSE, IT computer, unit 4 .more on HTML

CBSE, IT computer, unit 4 .more on HTML Q.1   The main container for <TR>, <TD> and <TH> is _______ a) <DATA> b) <GROUP> c) <TABLE> d) None of the above Q.2 Which one is correct option. a) <td valign = “TOP”> b) <td valign = “Left”> c) <td valign = “Right”> d) None of the above Q.3  rowspan can be added to which tag? 1.     <hr> 2.     <table> 3.     <td> 4.     <tr> Q.4  Which attribute of <td> tag is used to merge two or more columns to form a single column? 1.    colspan 2.    cellspacing 3.    cellpadding 4.    rowspan Q.5  Which attribute helps to align data vertically in a single cell. 1.     align 2.     valign 3.    ...

Bhootanatha sadananda,Sarva bhoota daya para,Raksha raksha maha baho,Shastre tubhyam namo nama।।🙏🛕🕉️🚩

Bhootanatha sadananda, Sarva bhoota daya para, Raksha raksha maha baho, Shastre tubhyam namo nama।। 🙏🛕🕉️🚩

indian knowledge system subject notes nep bsc ba bcom bcs iks notes

***indian knowledge system subject Course Contents IKS:***. syllabus *** Syllabus   MODULE 1: INTRODUCTION TO INDIAN KNOWLEDGE SYSTEMS  1. Definition 2. Objectives  3. Contemporary significance  4. Historical overview of Indian Education and Educational Institutions  MODULE 2: INDIAN PHILOSOPHICAL SYSTEMS  1. Theist systems : (Sankhya, Yoga, Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Purva nd Uttar Meemansa ) Nature, Concept and Literature  2. Atheist systems : : (Buddhism, Jainism and Charvaka ) Nature, Concept and Literature  MODULE 3: CONTRIBUTIONS TO HUMANITIES  1. Introduction to classical Languages in India (Sanskrit, Pali, Magadhi) 2. Introduction to ancient Indian art (Music, and Drama) and architecture (temples and town planning) 3. Indian philosophical thoughts on Social Institutions(Purushartha, Ashrama, Dharma and Values). 4. Introduction to Bhartiya Arthshastra and Nitishstra (Basic Concepts)  MODULE 4: CONTRIBUTIONS TO STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ...