
CBSE, IT computer, unit 4 .more on HTML

CBSE, IT computer, unit 4 .more on HTML Q.1   The main container for <TR>, <TD> and <TH> is _______ a) <DATA> b) <GROUP> c) <TABLE> d) None of the above Q.2 Which one is correct option. a) <td valign = “TOP”> b) <td valign = “Left”> c) <td valign = “Right”> d) None of the above Q.3  rowspan can be added to which tag? 1.     <hr> 2.     <table> 3.     <td> 4.     <tr> Q.4  Which attribute of <td> tag is used to merge two or more columns to form a single column? 1.    colspan 2.    cellspacing 3.    cellpadding 4.    rowspan Q.5  Which attribute helps to align data vertically in a single cell. 1.     align 2.     valign 3.    ...

Bhootanatha sadananda,Sarva bhoota daya para,Raksha raksha maha baho,Shastre tubhyam namo nama।।🙏🛕🕉️🚩

Bhootanatha sadananda, Sarva bhoota daya para, Raksha raksha maha baho, Shastre tubhyam namo nama।। 🙏🛕🕉️🚩

public administration notes e administration e governance notes bca bcs bsc computer science information technology

Unit 4: Challenges before e administration Point 4.1: lack of e literary There are several challenges that students and educators may need help with while developing or teaching digital literacy, such as lack of awareness about the ethical use of the internet, lack of guidance, difficulty in navigating the overwhelming amount of information available online, and more. Let’s dive deep into these challenges: Here are some of the challenges associated with digital literacy: Lack of Access to and Knowledge of Technology One of the most challenging aspects of digital literacy is the requirement for a certain level of technical expertise and understanding. Not everyone has access to cutting-edge technology and tools or has been properly trained to use them, which can result in a digital divide in which certain people lag in digital skills and knowledge. This can have severe consequences for access to school, employment, and social and civic participation. Trouble in Finding the Right Resourc...


VISHNU SAHASRANAMAM STOTRAM  LYRICS विष्णु सहस्त्र नाम स्तोत्र श्री विष्णु सहस्र नाम स्तोत्रम् ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नम:       ॐ शुक्लाम्बरधरं विष्णुं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजम् । प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेत् सर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये ॥ 1 ॥ यस्यद्विरदवक्त्राद्याः पारिषद्याः परः शतम् । विघ्नं निघ्नन्ति सततं विष्वक्सेनं तमाश्रये ॥ 2 ॥ पूर्व पीठिका व्यासं वसिष्ठ नप्तारं शक्तेः पौत्रमकल्मषम् । पराशरात्मजं वन्दे शुकतातं तपोनिधिम् ॥ 3 ॥ व्यासाय विष्णु रूपाय व्यासरूपाय विष्णवे । नमो वै ब्रह्मनिधये वासिष्ठाय नमो नमः ॥ 4 ॥ अविकाराय शुद्धाय नित्याय परमात्मने । सदैक रूप रूपाय विष्णवे सर्वजिष्णवे ॥ 5 ॥ यस्य स्मरणमात्रेण जन्मसंसारबन्धनात् । विमुच्यते नमस्तस्मै विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे ॥ 6 ॥ ॐ नमो विष्णवे प्रभविष्णवे । श्री वैशम्पायन उवाच श्रुत्वा धर्मा नशेषेण पावनानि च सर्वशः । युधिष्ठिरः शान्तनवं पुनरेवाभ्य भाषत ॥ 7 ॥ युधिष्ठिर उवाच किमेकं दैवतं लोके किं वाऽप्येकं परायणं स्तुवन्तः कं कमर्चन्तः प्राप्नुयुर्मानवाः शुभम् ॥ 8 ॥ को धर्मः सर्वधर्माणां भवतः परमो मतः । किं जपन्मुच्यते जन्तुर्जन्मसंसार बन्धना...


COMPETENCY BASED CLASS - X SUBJECT - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT 2: ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET (ADVANCED) USING LIBREOFFICE CALC CHAPTER – 6 LINKING SPREADSHEET DATA 1. Question: Describe the process of linking data between two spreadsheets in LibreOffice Calc.  Answer: To link data between two spreadsheets in LibreOffice Calc, follow these steps:  Open both source and destination spreadsheets.  In the destination spreadsheet, select the cell where you want the linked data to appear.  Type = and then switch to the source spreadsheet.  Click on the cell with the data you want to link.  Press Enter. The linked data from the source cell will now appear in the destination cell and update automatically if the source data changes.  2. Question: Explain the purpose of using the External Data feature in LibreOffice Calc. Answer: The External Data feature in LibreOffice Calc allows users to link data from an external source, such as another spreadsheet or a database. This feature is u...


COMPETENCY BASED CLASS - X SUBJECT - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT 2: ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET (ADVANCED) USING LIBREOFFICE CALC CHAPTER – 7 SHARE AND REVIEW A SPREADSHEET 1. Question: What is the purpose of sharing a spreadsheet in LibreOffice Calc? Answer: Sharing a spreadsheet allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, enabling collaboration and enhancing productivity by allowing real-time editing, comments, and updates.  2. Question: How can a user enable the ‘Share Spreadsheet’ option in LibreOffice Calc? Answer: To enable sharing, go to Tools > Share Spreadsheet. In the dialog box, select Share this spreadsheet with other users and click OK to allow multiple users to edit the spreadsheet.  3. Question: Describe the steps required to add comments to a cell in LibreOffice Calc. Answer: To add a comment, right-click the cell where you want the comment, select Insert Comment, and type your comment in the text box that appears. Click outside the comment...


QUESTION BANK CLASS – X SUBJECT – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER – 5 USING MACROS IN SPREADSHEET 1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. What is the primary purpose of a macro in a spreadsheet? o a) To insert images o b) To automate repetitive tasks o c) To calculate complex formulas o d) To protect the document from editing Answer: b) To automate repetitive tasks 2. Which menu option is usually used to start recording a macro in most spreadsheet software? o a) File o b) Home o c) Developer o d) Insert Answer: c) Developer 3. What is the extension of a macro-enabled spreadsheet file in Microsoft Excel? o a) .xls o b) .xlsx o c) .xlsm o d) .csv Answer: c) .xlsm 4. To assign a macro to a button in Excel, which option should you select after creating the button? o a) Assign Hyperlink o b) Assign Macro o c) Format Button o d) Record Macro Answer: b) Assign Macro 5. If a macro is saved to "This Workbook" in Excel, it can: o a) Only be used in the current workbook o b) Be used acros...


QUESTION BANK CLASS – X SUBJECT – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER – 6 LINKING SPREADSHEET DATA Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. What is linking data in spreadsheets? o A) Combining two spreadsheets into one o B) Connecting cells from different spreadsheets to reflect changes o C) Removing duplicates from a spreadsheet o D) Sorting data in ascending order Answer: B) Connecting cells from different spreadsheets to reflect changes 2. Which of the following is a valid way to create a link between two spreadsheets? o A) Copying and pasting values o B) Using the SUM function o C) Referring to a cell in another workbook with its name o D) Merging cells Answer: C) Referring to a cell in another workbook with its name 3. When linking data, what symbol is used to indicate a reference to another spreadsheet? o A) & o B) @ o C) ! o D) # Answer: C) ! 4. Which function can be used to link and sum values from another spreadsheet? o A) LINK() o B) ADD() o C) SUM() o D) JOIN() Answer: C) SUM() 5....


COMPETENCY BASED CLASS - IX SUBJECT - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER – 5 DIGITAL PRESENTATION 1. Question: What is a digital presentation, and why is it important in today’s digital age? Answer : A digital presentation is a visual display of information designed to convey ideas or information effectively to an audience, often using software like PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Canva. It is important because it enhances communication, supports collaboration, and helps in organizing content in a visually engaging way, making it easier for audiences to understand complex information.  2. Question: Explain the role of slide layouts in a digital presentation and list three common types.   Answer : Slide layouts help structure the content on each slide, allowing presenters to organize text, images, and other elements in a visually consistent way. Common types of slide layouts include:  Title Slide: Used for the presentation’s title and subtitle.  Content Slide: Typically includes a ...

CBSE 9 class IT question bank digital documentation

QUESTION BANK CLASS – IX SUBJECT – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER – 5 DIGITAL PRESENTATION 1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. Which software is commonly used for creating digital presentations? o a) Microsoft Word o b) Microsoft Excel o c) Microsoft PowerPoint o d) Microsoft Access Answer: c) Microsoft PowerPoint 2. What is the purpose of a “Slide Master” in a presentation? o a) To add animations to slides o b) To apply a consistent design across all slides o c) To create speaker notes o d) To format text in a specific slide Answer: b) To apply a consistent design across all slides 3. Which of the following is NOT a type of transition effect in presentations? o a) Slide o b) Fade o c) Zoom o d) Cut Answer: d) Cut 4. The term used for visual effects applied to individual text, objects, or slides is: o a) Transition o b) Animation o c) Layout o d) Template Answer: b) Animation 5. What is the function of the “Notes” section in a presentation? o a) To display extra slides o b) To keep ...

case class 9 IT question bank electronic spreadsheet

QUESTION BANK CLASS – IX SUBJECT – INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CHAPTER – 4 ELECTRONIC SPREADSHEET Chapter 4: Electronic Spreadsheet - Question Bank 1. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) 1. Which of the following is a spreadsheet software? a) MS Word b) MS Excel c) MS PowerPoint d) MS Paint Answer: b) MS Excel 2. In a spreadsheet, rows are represented by: a) Letters b) Numbers c) Special characters d) None of the above Answer: b) Numbers 3. Which symbol is used to begin a formula in a spreadsheet? a) # b) $ c) = d) @ Answer: c) = 4. Which function is used to calculate the total of a range of cells? a) COUNT b) SUM c) AVERAGE d) MAX Answer: b) SUM 5. In Excel, what does the acronym ‘CSV’ stand for? a) Compact Separated Values b) Comma Structured Values c) Comma Separated Values d) Computer Standard Values Answer: c) Comma Separated Values 2. True or False 1. Formulas in spreadsheets always start with the "+" symbol. Answer: False (they start with "=") 2. A cell is the inters...

CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

   CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

   CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

    CBSE class 7 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet study material

श्री महालक्ष्मीची आरती shri lakshmi arti

॥ श्री महालक्ष्मीची आरती ॥ जय देवी जय देवी जय महालक्ष्मी। वससी व्यापकरुपे तू स्थूलसूक्ष्मी॥ करवीरपुरवासिनी सुरवरमुनिमाता। पुरहरवरदायिनी मुरहरप्रियकान्ता। कमलाकारें जठरी जन्मविला धाता। सहस्रवदनी भूधर न पुरे गुण गातां॥ जय देवी जय देवी...॥ मातुलिंग गदा खेटक रविकिरणीं। झळके हाटकवाटी पीयुषरसपाणी। माणिकरसना सुरंगवसना मृगनयनी। शशिकरवदना राजस मदनाची जननी॥ जय देवी जय देवी...॥ तारा शक्ति अगम्या शिवभजकां गौरी। सांख्य म्हणती प्रकृती निर्गुण निर्धारी। गायत्री निजबीजा निगमागम सारी। प्रगटे पद्मावती निजधर्माचारी॥ जय देवी जय देवी...॥ अमृतभरिते सरिते अघदुरितें वारीं। मारी दुर्घट असुरां भवदुस्तर तारीं। वारी मायापटल प्रणमत परिवारी। हें रुप चिद्रूप दावी निर्धारी॥ जय देवी जय देवी...॥ चतुराननें कुश्चित कर्मांच्या ओळी। लिहिल्या असतिल माते माझे निजभाळी। पुसोनि चरणातळी पदसुमने क्षाळी। मुक्तेश्वर नागर क्षीरसागरबाळी॥ जय देवी जय देवी...॥

CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

   CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

  CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

आरती श्री धन्वन्तरि जी की dhanvantari arti

आरती श्री धन्वन्तरि जी की जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा। जरा-रोग से पीड़ित, जन-जन सुख देवा।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ १ ॥ तुम समुद्र से निकले, अमृत कलश लिए। देवासुर के संकट आकर दूर किए।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ २ ॥ आयुर्वेद बनाया, जग में फैलाया। सदा स्वस्थ रहने का, साधन बतलाया।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ ३ ॥ भुजा चार अति सुंदर, शंख सुधा धारी। आयुर्वेद वनस्पति से शोभा भारी।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ ४ ॥ तुम को जो नित ध्यावे, रोग नहीं आवे। असाध्य रोग भी उसका, निश्चय मिट जावे।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ ५ ॥ हाथ जोड़कर प्रभुजी, दास खड़ा तेरा। वैद्य-समाज तुम्हारे चरणों का घेरा।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ ६ ॥ धन्वंतरिजी की आरती जो कोई नर गावे। रोग-शोक न आए, सुख-समृद्धि पावे।।जय धन्वन्तरि देवा, जय धन्वन्तरि जी देवा॥ ७ ॥  ॥ इति आरती श्री धन्वन्तरि सम्पूर्णम ॥

CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

 CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

 CBSE class 6 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet revise

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet revise

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved exercise worksheet

CBSE class 8 CBSE computer subject question paper solved

General Instructions: All questions are compulsory. Q.1 Select the correct option. [8] Which view of a table in OpenOffice Base allows you to modify its structure? (1) [R] SQL view Data View Design view All of these Source: pg. no. 46 You are designing a database for a customer management system. One of the requirements is to store the customer's phone number and address. These fields do not require any calculations. Which data type should you use for these fields? (1) [Ap] Text [VARCHAR] Yes/No Integer Decimal Source: pg. no. 47 You are creating a database with a student table. One of the fields in this table with the Text data type has to follow the given requirements. Ensure that it must contain a value for each record. Limit the maximum length of the value of this field to 50 characters. Automatically fill in a default value of "N/A" for each new record if no value is provided. Based on these requirements, how would you set the Field Properties for this field? (1) [Ap...