cbse IT, UNIT 2: Electronic Spreadsheet ( Advance) / Class 10 / Solved Q-Ans IT (402),NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-402,CLASS-X
UNIT 2: Electronic Spreadsheet ( Advance) / Class 10 / Solved Q-Ans IT (402), NFORMATION TECHNOLOGY-402, CLASS-X UNIT 2: Electronic Spreadsheet ( Advance) Book Exercise SESSION 1: Analyse data using scenarios and goal seek Q1 What do you mean by consolidate? Ans: C o ns o li d ate provides a graphical interface for copying data from one range of cells to another, then running one of a dozen functions on the data. During consolidation, the contents of cells from several sheets can be combined in one place. Q2 Define Scenarios. Ans: Scenarios are a tool to test “what-if” questions. Use T oo ls > Sc en a ri o s to enter variable contents—scenarios—in the same cell. Each scenario is ...