Software & It's Type / Class -7 cbse it types of softwares class VII

Software & It's Type / Class -7 Computer Science Class-VII Lesson 2 Software & It’s Type Q1) Fill in the blanks [ Hint - application, programs, system, ms word, ms powerpoint, operating ] 1. There are two broad categories of software System Software and Application software . 2. Software is a set of Program . 3. A _ MS Word program lets you create documents such as letters and reports. 4. MS Windows is example of Operating system. 5. Ms Powerpoint software is used to create multimedia presentation. Q2 ) Match the following: A B 1. Spreadsheet a)MS word 2. Word processor b)Corel Draw 3. Presentation software c)Power Point 4. Graphic software d)MS Excel 5. Desktop publishing e) Paint Ans: 1. Spreadsheet -- d)MS Excel 2. Word processor -- a)MS word 3. Presentation software -- c)Power Point 4. Graphic software -- e) Paint 5. Desktop publishing -- b)Corel Draw Q3)Answer the following...