CBSE IT class 10 x computer subject term 1 one day revision
ONE DAY REVISION CBSE Sample Paper Class X (Term I) Information Technology ONE DAY REVISION Revise ll the A Concepts in a Day Just Before the Examination... Part A : Employability Skills ● Communication Skills-II 1. Communication It is a process which involves sharing of information, opinion, ideas, and beliefs between two or more persons through a continuous activity of speaking, listening and understanding. 2. Types of Communication There are three basic types of communication: ● Verbal communication refers to using words to exchange thoughts, feelings and ideas with others. There are two types of verbal communication: Oral and Written communication. ● Non-Verbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages between people using cues like gestures, body language etc. ● Visual communication is the communication using a non-verbal medium such as visual aids, posters, sign-boards etc. 3. Feedback in Communication ● ...