U-2Self Management Skills Test-1 Ans/ Employability Skills Class-9th, information technology,cbse
U-2Self Management Skills Test-1 Ans/ Employability Skills Class-9th, information technology,cbse Class – 9 th Information Technology Book- Employability Skills Unit-2 Self Management Skills Class Test Answer Fill in the blanks 1) Stress Management refers to a state of psychological tension and discomfort originating from `unforeseen, difficult, confusing and challenging situations. 2) . Realistic belief and trust of an individual in one’s own judgement, capabilities and worthiness is Self – Confidence. 3) Self- Motivation is defined as a driving force responsible to do something. 4) Positive Thinking brings brain to a peaceful stance and increases performance 5) A person who conforms well with norms of a team and contributes to the attainment of the common goals in an efficient and effective way is called Team Player . 6) An ability to control your behavior & discipline is called as...