CBSE class 8th IT computer using CSS in HTML
CBSE class 8th IT computer using CSS in HTML
Using CSS in HTML
Subject: Computer Studies Topic: Using CSS in HTML
Q.1. Perform the following tasks using HTML and CSS.
Task 1:
Use suitable HTML tags and create a web page with title ‘Importance of Ozone Layer’.
Task 2: Add a suitable background image. Make sure that the background image does not
repeat on the web page.
Task 3: Add the heading on the page as ‘Importance of Ozone Layer’. Make the heading bold, underlined and center aligned.
Task 4: Add the following text in the web page. Use CSS properties to make the text colour white, font to Comic Sans Serif.
“Ozone is only a trace gas in the atmosphere—only about 3molecules for every 10 million
molecules of air. The ozone layer protects us from the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
Exposing ourselves to the ozone layer causes skin cancer, damages crops and harms
ocean life. Life of earth cannot exist without the protective shield of the ozone layer.”
Task 5:
Save the file and view the output in a web browser. See below table and do it.
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