Unit1 Evolution of Computer Class-6 cbse IT class VI unit 1 notes study material
Unit1 Evolution of Computer Class-6
Computer Science
Unit 1 Evolution of Computer
A. Fill in the blanks :
(main frame, 300BC, 1642, analytical engine, John Napier)
1. Abacus was invented in 300BC .
2. Concept of decimal was introduced by John Napier .
3. Pascaline was invented in 1642 year.
4. Analytical Engine the base of today's computer.
5. Main Frame computers are used in Banks, Railways etc. Label the picture
B. Match the Devices with their inventors
Name of Device | Name of Inventor |
1. ABACUS | a) Dr. Herman Hollerith |
2. PASCALINE | b) John Napier |
3. NAPIER'S BONES | c) Charles Babbage |
4. TABULATING MACHINE | d) Chinese |
5. DIFFERENCE ENGINE | e) Blaise Pascal |
1. ABACUS à d) Chinese
2. PASCALINE à e) Blaise Pascal
3. NAPIER'S BONES à b) John Napier
4. TABULATING MACHINE à a) Dr. Herman Hollerith
5. DIFFERENCE ENGINE à c) Charles Babbage
C. Very Short Answer Questions:
a) Name two example of SUPER Computer.
Ans-Example : Cray, PARAM, ANURAG
b) Which type of computer is used in small organization?
Ans- Mini Computer
D. Short Answer Questions:
a) Differentiate between Mainframe and Super Computer.
Mainframe Computer | Super Computer |
1) These computers are very powerful.
2) They are big in size with a large memory in comparison to Micro and Mini
3) They are used in Banks, Airports, Railway Station etc. 4)For Example : IBM 390, PDP-10 etc. | 1)They are the most powerful computers in the world.
2) They are having more processing speed.
3)They are specially used in weather forecasting, space research, defence
4) Example : Cray, PARAM, ANURAG |
b) Differentiate between Micro and Mini Computer.
Micro Computer | Mini Computer |
1) These computers are smaller in size in comparison to other computers.
2) The cost is relatively less.
3) These are designed for personal use.
4) These are specially used in homes, offices, schools, banks etc.
5)Example IBM PC, Laptop, Desktop | 1) They are bigger in size in comparison to Micro Computer.
2) They are costly and having more speed than Micro Computer.
3)Many users can use it at the same time.
4)They are specially used in small organizations.
5) For example : PDP-8 |
E. Write Short Note on the following .
Ans- Full form of ENIAC is – Electronic Numeric Integrator And Calculator was invented by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert . It was the first electronic digital computer. 18000 vaccum tubes were the main part of this computer.
(2) UNIVAC-1
Ans-Full form of UNIVAC is Universal Automatic Computer. It was the first commercial electronic computer. It was developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly in 1951
1. Collect the pictures of Different types of Computers and paste them on your

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