
Showing posts from January, 2024


INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Sample Paper 2 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402) Class X Session 2023-24 Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50 General Instructions: 1. Please read the instructions carefully. 2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B. 3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions. 4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted  (maximum) time of 2 hours. 5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order. 6. SECTION A - OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (24 MARKS): i. This section has 05 questions. ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part. iii. There is no negative marking. iv. Do as per the instructions given. 7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): i. This section has 16 questions. ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions. iii. Do as per the instructions given. iv. Marks allotte...

तुकाराम महाराज राम अभंग अवतार सूर्यवंशी दिव्या घेतला स्वामी

तुकाराम महाराजांनी प्रभू श्री रामचंद्र यांच्यावर लिहिलेला अभंग अवतार सूर्यवंशीं दिव्य घेतला स्वामी । एकपत्‍नी व्रत करुनि राहिला नेमी । मर्दिलें ताटिकेसी सुख वाटलें भूमी । रक्षोनी यज्ञ केला कीर्ति प्रख्यात नामीं ॥१॥ जयदेवा रघुनाथा जय जानकीकांता । आरती ओंवाळीन तुजलागीं समर्था ॥२॥ विदेही राजयानें पण केलासे भारी । तें शिवचाप मोठें मोडुनियां सत्वरीं । वरिलें जानकीसी आदिशक्ति सुंदरी । जिंकुनी भार्गवाला बहु दाविली परी ॥३॥ पाळोनी पितृवाक्य मग सेविलें वन । हिंडतां पादचारी मुक्त तृण पाषाण । मर्दिले दुष्ट भारी दैत्य खरदूषण । तोषले सर्व ऋषि त्यांसि दिलें दर्शन ॥४॥ जानकी लक्ष्मणासहित चालतां त्वरें । भेटली भिल्लटी ती तिचीं उच्छिष्ट बोरें । भक्षुनी उद्धरिले कबंधादि अपार । देखिली पंचवटी तेथें केला विहार ॥५॥ पातली शूर्पणखा तिचें छेदिलें नाक । जाउनी रावणासी सांगे सकळ दुःख । तेथोनी पातला तो मायामारीच देख । पाहतां जानकीसी तेव्हां वाटलें सुख ॥६॥ तें चर्म आणावया राम धांवतां मागें । रावणें जानकीसी नेलें लंकेसी वेगें । मागुता राम येतां सीता न दिसे चांग । तें दुःख ठाकुनियां हृदय झालें भंग ॥७॥ धुंडितां जानकीसी ...

श्री कार्तिकेय स्वामी अय्यप्पा मंत्र श्लोकShri kartikey swami ayyappa mantra shlok

श्री कार्तिकेय स्वामी अय्यप्पा मंत्र श्लोक Shri kartikey swami ayyappa mantra shlok 🕉️🙏🛕🚩 * भूतनाथ सदानंदा ।। * * सर्वभूत दयापराह: ।। * * रक्ष रक्ष महाबाहो ।। * * शास्त्रे तुभ्यं नमो नम: ।। * 🕉️🙏🛕🚩

Cop program for insertion in linear array

Cop program for insertion in linear array #include<iostream> using namespace std ; int main() { int arr[50], i, elem, pos, n; cout << "Enter the Size for Array: " ; cin >>n; cout << "Enter " <<n<< " Array Elements: " ; for (i=0; i<n; i++) cin >>arr[i]; cout << " \n Enter Element to Insert: " ; cin >>elem; cout << "At What Position ? " ; cin >>pos; for (i=n; i>=pos; i--) arr[i] = arr[i-1]; arr[i] = elem; n++; cout << " \n The New Array is: \n " ; for (i=0; i<n; i++) cout <<arr[i]<< " " ; cout << endl ; return 0; }

श्री कार्तिकेय स्वामी अय्यप्पा मंत्र श्लोकShri kartikey swami ayyappa mantra shlok

श्री कार्तिकेय स्वामी अय्यप्पा मंत्र श्लोक Shri kartikey swami ayyappa mantra shlok 🕉️🙏🛕🚩 * भूतनाथ सदानंदा ।। * * सर्वभूत दयापराह: ।। * * रक्ष रक्ष महाबाहो ।। * * शास्त्रे तुभ्यं नमो नम: ।। * 🕉️🙏🛕🚩

CBSE class 10 x IT 402 computer exam paper INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402)Class X Session 2023-24

CBSE class 10 x IT 402 computer exam paper INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (402) Class X Session 2023-24 Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50 General Instructions: 1. Please read the instructions carefully. 2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B. 3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions. 4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted  (maximum) time of 2 hours. 5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order. 6. SECTION A - OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (24 MARKS): i. This section has 05 questions. ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part. iii. There is no negative marking. iv. Do as per the instructions given. 7. SECTION B – SUBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTIONS (26 MARKS): i. This section has 16 questions. ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions. iii. Do as per the instructions given. iv. Marks al...

CBSE class 9 ix IT 402 computer electronic spreadsheet calc solved exercise ,notes , worksheet, question answer, mcq,Objective Type Questions

CBSE class 9 ix IT 402 computer electronic spreadsheet calc solved exercise ,notes , worksheet, question answer, mcq, Objective Type Questions Question 1 In OOo Calc formula starts with ............... . + [= sign] - * Answer [= sign] Reason  — In OOo Calc formula starts with  equal to ( = ) sign . Question 2 The cell having bold boundary is the ............... cell. Last Next First Active Answer Active Reason  — The cell having bold boundary is the  active  cell. Question 3 In ............... referencing the relative address of the cell gets adjusted w.r.t. the current cell. Relative Absolute Mixed Nil Answer Relative Reason  — In  relative  referencing the relative address of the cell gets adjusted w.r.t. the current cell. Question 4 To create an absolute cell reference ............... sign is used before the parts of formula. $ sign # ^ % Answer $ sign Reason  — To create an absolute cell reference  $ sign  is used before the par...