
Showing posts from February, 2021

distributed system mcq bank

Ranjit****** 1  Distributed System – MCQs 1. Winnt.exe shall be used for  a. 16-bit b. 32-bit  c. 8-bit  d. None  2. KDC stands for  a. Key distributor company  b. Key distributor centre c. Both  d. None  3. Active directory services is a storehouse of information about various type of ________.  a. Network function  b. Network object c. Network protocols  d. None  4. DFC stands for  a. Distributed file system b. Defragment file system  c. Both  d. None 5. Which events are represented as possible loss data or function.  a. Errors b. Warning  c. Both  d. None  6. Which events are represent logged by applications or programs.  a. Application log b. System log  c. Security log  d. None  7. IP sell stands for  a. Internet protocols security b. Internet protocols section  c. Both  d. None  8. IP sell is a set of  a. Internet standards b. Internet pr...